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Developer(s)Aleksey Khokhryakov, Shilyaev Egor & team
Written inC++
Operating systemLinux, Windows, macOS, OS/2

QuiteRSS is a nice and user-friendly cross-platform RSS feed reader built on the Qt5 framework. It is easy to use with a tree of folders and feeds, a window with headlines from a selected newsfeed, categories and labels.

Look and feel[edit]

QuiteRSS is very strait-forward and easy to use. It supports folders and sub-folders for your feeds and you can drag and drop feeds to neatly organize them.


QuiteRSS works great with the default out-of-the-box settings. It is highly configurable if you do not like those. You can choose colors, fonts and font sizes and a lot of other things in it's Settings menu.

All in all it's a great RSS feed reader for GNU/Linux desktops and our RSS feed reader comparison rates it as the best.

It's more comfortable than GTK+ based Liferea and it does not, unlike Akregator, randomly crash on you.

Installation on Ubuntu is done by the usual apt-get install quiterss. Installing on Fedora is not as easy since you will get a broken package as of Fedora 30 so you have to compile it yourself.

Compiling it from git[edit]

The QuiteRSS on Fedora 30 is broken as of 2019. It produces a "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" in in QAction::setText(QString const&) () at /lib64/libQtGui.so.4. QuiteRSS works best when built with the newer Qt5. That is what the package uses on Ubuntu and you do not need to bother with compiling it yourself on that OS.

Here's have you install QuiteRSS from source on Fedora assuming you have the basic development packages installed (git, qmake, etc).

sudo dnf -y install sqlite-devel
mkdir src;cd src
git clone https://github.com/QuiteRSS/quiterss.git
cd quiterss/
mkdir cmake_build;cd cmake_build
qmake-qt5  SYSTEMQTSA=1  CONFIG+=release PREFIX=/usr/local ../QuiteRSS.pro
make -j12
sudo -c 'make install'


The QuiteRSS homepage is at quiterss.org.

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